I have bundled the 101, 102, and 103 classes for the student that really wants to acquire the ancient teachings of your numerological chart. Learn to calculate your numbers from renowned Numerologist, Donetta Huffman, author of Semi-Circle Numerology Cards and Life Path 1-9 books, Soul 1-9, and Awakening Your Life Path, 30-Day Challenge 1-9 books.
Donetta’s knowledge comes from the ancient teachings of Pythagoras, the Father of Numerology. He believed that there are recognizable patterns in the vibration of numbers and these patterns can be used to identify talents, characteristics, and inner strengths. It is a philosophy based on the Universal language of mathematics.
In the 101 Introduction to Numerology beginner’s class, you will learn how to calculate your core numbers using only your birthdate and an exact name on your birth certificate to gain access to information in regard to your:
Life Path: ……………Your mission, who you are intended to be.
Soul: …………….. Your passions, secret desires, hopes and dreams.
Personality: …………… The impression you make on others.
Destiny: ……………….. The course of your life, who you will evolve to be.
In the 102 Intermediate Numerology class you will continue your journey by learning to calculate your minor numbers, these are based on the name you currently go by, shortened, married, nick names. I call them, “Your tools for your toolbox of life”. There is a reason you receive these numbers and you will find it fascinating learning what they are.
The third class, 103 Advanced Numerology will begin to bring consciousness to what previously was an unconscious memory. Donetta’s teachings come from her beliefs and studies of Pythagoras that in each lifetime we have specific lessons that we are here to learn and goals we wish to attain. She believes that these are pre-planned pacts between you and God or The Universe.
Learn how to calculate your Karmic Lessons for this lifetime. Karmic Lessons are issues you must face and work on throughout your lifetime. You will be given tools so that you may begin to work towards mastering these numbers to advance and grow spiritually. Find out what your weaknesses are as well as your “super-powers”.
Next you will learn how to not only calculate but begin to work towards your goals in achieving your Hidden Passion Number. This number represents a specific field of expertise or concentrated talent that you were given in this lifetime. This talent can be seen as having a power all its own and can shape your life if you allow it to grow. Having this talent, demands that you use it!
Last, but certainly not the least important number you will learn to calculate is your Subconscious Self Number. This number reflects the confidence you have in your personal power and competence in implementing these powers. How do you deal with sudden events and situations? Are you uncertain or feel inadequate? You can begin to learn how to correctly assess any situation and respond appropriately when you are given the tools your number represents. Having confidence and being competent in your actions are truly the keys to success when it comes to your Subconscious Self Number.
After you place your order you will receive your Semi-Circle numerology cards ($25 value) and once you receive them in the mail you are ready to begin the course.
Numerology Apprenticeship
Virtual Classes via Zoom
Email Donetta for class schedule
Once you purchase and schedule class, Zoom password will be sent via email.
Please email exact name on birth certificate in order to receive personalized numerological information to be used during the class..
Includes cards, classes, workseets and personalized info.